If you enjoy an extra kick in your coffee, then this is the perfect drink for you. Spanish coffee is a beverage that blends several alcoholic drinks with coffee. In Spain, Spanish coffee is commonly known as Café Carajillo. It is not known whether the Spanish were the first to add alcohol to coffee, yet one thing is for sure, they love mixing coffee and booze. This drink is extremely popular in Spanish bars and coffee houses, and now around the world. Its preparation becomes a fired filled show as the alcohol is burned. It is considered to be a winter and even a fall “cocktail”, yet with some small modifications this pleasurable coffee can be taken during the summer too.
Spanish coffee varies from country to country and even between coffee houses, however the essential ingredients are coffee and different types of alcoholic beverages like Rum, Whiskey, Brandy, Cognac, Kahlúa, Cointreau, Amaretto among others. Just follow our indications and enjoy this exciting drink.
You will need:
A glass of wine and a lighter.
3 oz of freshly brewed Cubico Coffee
1 oz of 151 proof Rum (preferably Bacardi)
½ oz of Cointreau (orange liqueur)
2 oz of Kahlua (coffee liqueur)
Wedge of a lime
Ground nutmeg
Whipped cream
Chocolate shavings
1. Wet the rim of the wine glass with the lime. Dip it in the sugar.
2. Pour the 151 proof rum and orange liqueur into the wine glass and use a lighter to ignite it, let it burn for a few seconds. Tilt the glass to caramelize the sugared rim. When the sugar is almost caramelized sprinkle a little bit of nutmeg to the drink.
3. Pour the remaining liqueur to the wine glass this will stop the flame.
4. Add your Cubico Coffee to the drink.
5. Garnish some whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Next time you want to try something different include some of your favorites liqueurs to your coffee, trust us you will love it! Coffee has never been this good!